A table visualization in Power BI is a grid where the related data are displayed in rows and columns.
Tables are great quantitative comparisons where you compare multiple values from different categories.
I will create another Tabular Visualization in Power BI Desktop for FTSE 100 shares and for more interesting look will be adding an image with it.
Let's get started by loading the data by connecting Get Data and selection the option Excel to import data from FTSE data.xlsx .
The preview of the data is shown and by selecting the load button the data will be loaded within few seconds.
The field pane contains the variables of the data.
I located the table chart from visualization pane to the canvas and by clicking on the chart it will create a default table in the canvas.
Since nothing is displayed in the table, i selected the required columns from the field pane.
Name and current price were the two columns to be added into the table, hence selected the same from field pane.
The total for all current price is automatically shown in the table.
Formatting Table
Now the table is ready, but it requires small formatting. There are few formatting options in Power BI and for this table i have explored some of them.
Started by adding title to the table as FTSE 100 and aligning it to centre and increasing font size to 22, font color to #FFFFFF and background color to #094780.
Next, I made changes in column header of the table, by changing the font size to 14 and adding background color for it.
Also did the same changes to the values in the table.
This made the table look more attractive.
Adding Image & shape
The image to be added in canvas has to be stored in local drive.
Selecting the insert option from the ribbon, I added an image to the left centre of the table.
To add a border to that image, I selected border settings from format pane and aligned the image properly in centre of the box.
Next i added an arrow shape pointing towards the table in between the image and the table visual.
The arrow was also inserted from the Insert ribbon.
The shape was formatted by adding color to the shape and adjusting the size in format pane.
Finally, the report was completed and saved as Footsie.pbix
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